Our projects focus on cloud-native technologies, including migration from monolithic to cloud-native, patterns, anti-patterns, process, models and any other interesting of cloud-native software evolution and maintenance.
M3S Cloud projects are funded and supported by international companies, such as ABB, Huawei, Nokia, Vendasta, but also Finnish Foundations (Ulla Tuominen), Academy of Finland and Business Finland.
• 6GSoft (Business Finland 2023-2025)
Software Architecture for highly distributed systems. In this project we investigate architectures and orchestration methods for cloud-native edge-to-cloud systems.
• MuFaNo. (Academy of Finland 2022-2025). Architectural Anomalies in Microservices-based systems.
• From Monolithic to Cloud-Native
The project aims at investigating processes and motivations to migrate to microservices. The ultimate goal is to provide a decision support framework to objectively understand it the migration to cloud-native can be beneficial or not.
• Microservices Bad Smells and Anti-Patterns
In this project, we aim at investigating bad smells and anti-patterns that can create issues to the development process or to the software quality. Moreover, we are investigating tools for the automatic detection of bad smells and anti-patterns.
• NetUpgrades
In this company-funded project, we investigate orchestration and update schedules for edge computing-systems devices. Edge devices need to be frequently updated, and critical systems need to perform updates reducing downtime as much as possible. In this project, we are developing ai-based methods, to predict the load of the edge nodes, and to define an update schedule for each device, as well as a model to dynamically move the computation to the computational nodes close to the nodes that need to be updated.
• OSSQual: Open Source Sustainability models
In this project, we investigated software quality models that can be applied to open source software. The goal is to extend our previously published selection models and apply them in the industrial context. Our ultimate goal is to define a sustainability model, to enable the sponsor-company to predict when and why an Open Source project will become inactive.
• ArchiDash: Architectural Debt, and Architectural Degradation dashboard for ABB
In this ABB-Sponsored project (supported by the DSII initiative), we are aiming to identify metrics to evaluate the architectural debt, as well as dashboards for notifying developers, software architects, and project managers on the actions that need to be performed to maintain the architectural quality as high as possible, with the given resources.
The updated list of publication is available in Davide Taibi's Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ToWAPrcAAAAJ&hl=en
D Taibi, V Lenarduzzi, C Pahl IEEE Cloud Computing 4 (5), 22-32
F Auer, V Lenarduzzi, M Felderer, D Taibi Information and Software Technologies
MS Aslanpour, C Toosi, A.N., Cicconetti, B Javadi, P Sbarski, D Taibi, ... Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
J Nupponen, D Taibi International Conference on Software Architecture